Sunday, August 31, 2008

God is in Control!

So, as I sit here and ponder the events of the day, I am starting to get frustrated with all the "issues" going on with Asher. Not with Asher himself, nor with the fact that he is sick, but just the not getting any answers thing is starting to get to me. I have had sooo many people tell me sooo many different things and yet those people that are telling me all those different things are NOT DOCTORS and yet, seem to be helping me more than the doctors, nurses, etc. I was getting so frustrated earlier today, and just wanted to "be done" with it all. Then it hit me. Why am I worrying about this. God has it all under control and knows the outcome (even though it feels like it is being drug out longer than I think it should be). I just need to surrender all my apprehensions (sp.?) and stresses to him.

"Cast all your care on Him because He cares for you" I Peter 5:7