Thursday, August 28, 2008

Finally....maybe getting some answers.

Well, Asher has yet again been sent home from school with a fever. This time is 101 degrees. They gave him some tylenol at school, and at about 7 pm we gave him some motrin again. He was really cranky, but finally fell asleep for good at about 7:30 or so. It is getting a little frustrating, but at the same time I know that God will take care of him, and there is a reason this all being drug out longer, ya know? Well, we finally got a date to go up to Wilmington to see the G.I. specialist. We are going to see them on Oct. 2nd at 3pm. It is a little longer than what I would really like, but they are going to talk to the pediatrician and if they think we need to be seen sooner, they are going to move some things around just to get us in. Thank you to all who prayed. Hopefully, we will know something soon. I'll keep you posted.