Monday, September 15, 2008

To Timeout of not to timeout......

Well, not only are we dealing with Asher saying "no" but we are also dealing with him now slapping people. As many of you know we have a family of 7 living with us right now, we were all sitting in the living room after dinner and just talking and Asher was just walking around the living room talking and jabbering up a storm, and all of a sudden slapped the smallest little girl.....who is only 6 (will be 7 on Thursday). Yeah, that wasn't tolerated. I went and picked him up and smacked him on his hand an told him no. He started the "waterworks" and didn't want to have anything to do with me. This was about 5:45 and so as I was walking back to his room with him, I was talking to him and explaining to him that those where the consequences of his actions and he was going to be in his room in a time out until daddy got home (which was only about 15 min. later.). He screamed the whole time...when daddy finally got home at 6:00, I went and got Asher out of his room and took him to daddy. He was still screaming, and once he settled down, was whimpering for a long time. Daddy took him and had a very long converstaion with him and explained that we don't hit, and that when we do there are consequences. I don't think we have completley nipped the whole slapping in the bud, but we are getting there.


Anonymous said...

Hey Jodie, oh i remember those days, it is hard to discipline kids when they are just getting to be able to use language and can only understand limited discipline. And also when their memory span is like 20 seconds long. We just tried to be as consistent and as possible, and being as we never spanked dom, yimeout was the best option. Sometimes a timeout where he could see what we were doing and therefore what he was missing out onn was the best thing. Though i will stay there were times when i practically had to sit on him to get him to stay in timeout. After much consistancy,, he now goe to his room and sits on his bed and doesn't move until told to do so. (i wont go into details about how i "forgot him" a few times and he ended up in there for like 20 minutes,poor baby. Good luck!