Friday, September 5, 2008

Asher has been stuck 7 times alone today!!!!....

Well, as you may have guessed, we are still in the hospital, not leaving until at least wednesday. They tried today (after the second time today) to get an IV in him, and were unsuccessful. He has had at least 2 IV's a day since he has been here just since Tuesday. They couldn't find any veins this second time, well they could, but it is in his foot, and because he is walking they don't want to put it there. So, as you can guess it is getting quite frustrating. he either sweats them out or they just don't stay in for one reason or the other. So, that being said e are going to talk to the doctor and see if there are any other options available to get fluids and meds to him, as clearly the veins aren't there anymore. So, as you keep the many tests they are running on him in prayer, please also pray that they will finally get an IV in him, and find a successful place to do it, and that it will stay in for more than 24 hrs.