Saturday, September 6, 2008

The power of prayer is AMAZING!!!!

Finally, we are approching what might be the end of all this horriblness. Because of the "issues" with the IV and all that, they just went ahead and drew his blood last night, and cancelled his 5 am labs this morning. As you may know, the whole reason for all this craziness was because his Neutrophil (ANC) levels were dangerously low/non-existant (below100 when the ideal is 1000).When the doctor came in this morning and informed us that his ANC was 1453 we were ecstatic. What I think is going to happen is that they are know going to do the labs/bloodwork to see why his ANC dropped so low. Please continue to pray for this situation, and I want to Thank SOO much, those of you who have been praying and put him on your prayer chain. I think (well, I know without a shadow of a doubt) God truly had His hand on Asher through this whole situation.I will keep you updated with any more news, but in the meantime please continue prayer.