Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Being a STAY AT HOME MOM is the best thing in the world.

Well, I am sure those that stay at home with little ones already know this, but it's the best thing EVER!!! We get up around 7:30-7:45 and have breakfast, we have tv time for about an hour after that, then playtime and naptime, followed by lunch and then another hour of tv time ( or so...if he wants to watch a movie than it might be a little longer)
We are now working on trying to get him in a big boy bed, so I thought the way to do that best was to start him out sleeping there for nap times and then just let him sleep in his crib at night. My goal is to get him completley in his big boy bed and started with potty training by Christmas. He will be 19 mos. old by then, so I think that is a good age.
We are having soo much fun. He is really enjoying me staying home with him and I am having a blast.
If I said it doesn't get challenging, that would be a lie, but it's a good challenge. I am learning soo much.
Please join me in prayer as I face this task ahead of me.