Well, as of Sunday night, my 1 1/2 year old son, is now in a big boy (toddler bed) bed. He is no longer in his crib. Sad times, huh? I wish that he would not have grown up so fast, but yet, he is a blast at this age, so you win some, you loose huh? And that transition only took about a month. We started out small, taking naps in there at bed time, and then went from there.
"How did you get him to stay?", some might be asking themselves. Well, he like his "binky" and has to have a sippy cup when he sleeps.
I just kept going in there and checking on him and if he was out of his bed, he got three spankings (yes, I firmly believe in spanking my child) and I took his "binky" out of his mouth until he got back in bed. It worked for Asher, but may not work for everyone, and I don't like to nor do I "believe" in giving advice. If you want to try it, you are more than welcome to. I won't be offended either way. I do however believe in raising each child in a way that suites them.
Now, potty training is my next big feet. I have heard from some that 1 1/2 is a little young, and others have told me that I should start now. Well, my son was the one to ultimatley make the decision (don't get me wrong, I am not going to let him go FOREVER, but I also don't want to force something that is not going to happen either-for those of you that have experienced it, you know what I mean), but Asher has made some indications to me that he wants to start. When he poops in his pants he gets really adjattated and points to his bottom. He will also go in the bathroom where his potty is and sit down, so I think that it is about time, huh?
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