Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy 4th and my little fireman!!!

Today we went to 2nd Street to celebrate the 4th of July. We had so much fun. There were french fries, ice cream, games, and lots of fun. I wasn't sure how Asher was going to do the whole day (8:30-1:00), but he did really well. We didn't stay for the games because it was nap time and for those of you that know what it's like with a cranky child that's hot and wants to nap....I thought it best to leave.
We also went and saw the fire truck for the Dept. that Kent and I are volunteers at. Asher loved it. Here are a few pics. I don't have many, and will update the blog later. As you can tell there are a few that he is more interested in the truck and the lights on the truck, than on the camera.