Tuesday, July 8, 2008


As I sit here reflecting on today's events and watching CSI. I reflect back on the dr. appt. we had today with the pediatrician. I have come to realize there are way too many things going around the daycare and there are soo many unnecessary trips that we take to the pediatrician just because the daycare wants us too. That being said...today was one of those unnecessary trips just because Asher was sent home yesterday with a temp of 101.2. He has been given tylenol since then about every 4 hours so when they took it this morning it was only 98.6, so any fever that was there was masked by the tylenol. He was also tugging at his ear, which had me a little concerned because that would make 3 ear infections in the span of only 6 months. Much to my suprise, there was no infection, which I was very thankful for because that was not what I needed. He has also been very very cranky latley, which if you know my son is NOT usual, since he is generally a happy baby. He slept with us last night, and didn't even sleep very well, and finally fell asleep about 12:00am, which means we didn't sleep very well.

Well, if all that is not enough for one day, Asher is developing his own attitued. We were in the dr. office this morning, after the dr. checked him over and confirmed that everything was okay, and just wanted us to keep the tylenol every 4 hours due to a virus going around, he proceeded to crawl and toddle around the doctors office with just his diaper on. He then proceeded to tell us all that he had enough of that, and decided to show us all his "ATTITUDE" . He didn't want to be held or want to be down, we don't think he knows what he wants. He threw himself down anad threw a "fit", and then bumped his head and got more upset. It just seemed to go around and around from there.

Don't get me wrong, it is a such a fun age, I love, love, love, spending ALL the time that I can get with him, but at the same time, sometimes his "ATTITUDE" is more than I can handle.

I can't believe that he is growing up so fast. If anyone knows any secrets of how to keep little him forever, let me know, I would sure like to know ;)