Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Texas 2009

Well, as some, or many of you know, Kent, Asher and I took a family vacation to Texas for the week of Jan. 2-10. We had a blast, but are glad to be home again. It was a very relaxing weekend. Here are a few pictures from the trip.


Mommy said...

Oh my gosh Jodi, Asher is getting sooooooo big!! Cute as ever though :)

jineen said...

jodie, asher is getting much too big! i cant believe how grown he looks in these pictures! you guys are quite the travelers these past few months, florida and texas? i am jealous! so update me please on how htings are going, it has been a bit since we've emailed and i am not happy about that :) i have few friends and you are stuck being one of them....