This is the video of 25 year old Nick Vujicic from Australia, he was born without arms and legs and no indication was given to his parents that there was anything wrong, or as to why. Alot of moms want to hold there newborns, but his mom told the doctor to "take him away" instead of putting him on her chest. She has also overcome some obstacles and her faith has been tested. She chose not to abort Nick, how AWESOME is that. He used his DISABILITY toward his ABILITIES for God. I hope this video inspires and helps you see life for what it truly is as it has helped me. Jer. 29:11
Monday, November 17, 2008
Truly Inspiring!
lovingly posted by Kent, Jodie and Asher at 11/17/2008 12:16:00 PM 1 comments
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Finally, (since people are asking) a Stafford Family Update!!!
Okay, well, I thought since it has been a while since I last updated people on here, I thought I would give it a shot.
Well, we are still trying to figure out what is going on with Asher, he seems to be fine, but he still has his days where he will have an upset stomach or really really bad diarehha (sp?), he will also be very cranky and tired, and look pale and be warm. On those days all I can do right now (since there is no diagnosis as of yet) is just give him tylenol or ibuprofen and monitor his temp. It's frustrating because there is ONLY so much that I can do, and the doctors and everyone that have done tests and things on Asher only find that his levels are messed up, and it's always different blood tests that are elevated and not good. I just wish that there was something we could all do. I don't really want them to just "diagnose" him with something or tell me "this is what I think it is, so this is what we are going to do"....I just want them to find something so that I can SLEEP BETTER and be at peace. I just hate seeing him not feeling well, and not knowing why. Please continue to pray for him and his little body as the doctors run all kinds of tests and try to find a diagnosis of what it is, so that we can better know how to help him.
I am now officially the mother of an 18 month old. Nope, he is not a baby anymore. I am a little sad about that, but at the same time am having a blast with him at the age that he is and I know that it will get more and more fun as the days go on.
He has moved out of the nursery and into his own "big boy" room and is sleeping (VERY WELL I MIGHT ADD) in his big boy bed and now has a toddler room. (saddness huh?) (BUT ON THE PLUS SIDE, I AM ABLE TO SLEEP THROUGH THE NIGHT NOW)
Kent is still managing at McDonalds and though gets VERY STRESSED OUT ALOT, is really enjoyging it, and is advancing at a very rapid rate, and we will not be suprised if we see a move up to corporate in the next year. Please pray for him, as he has his plate full with management duties at McDonalds and also all the duties and responsibilities he has at church.
I am still LOVING EVERY MINUTE of being a Stay At Home Mommy and really enjoying watching Asher grow and learn new things EVERY DAY. I would be lying to you if I said it was NOT a challange at times, but I have learned ALOT!!!
lovingly posted by Kent, Jodie and Asher at 11/16/2008 07:40:00 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
I thought I was nice in the previouse post stating that the annonymous comments were NOT appreciated NOR welcomed! OBVIOUSLY you don't have kids yourself or you would know that kids go through things at DIFFERENT ages. PLEASE! PLEASE! PLEASE! STOP coming here and STOP with the comments. JUST STOP!!! They are NOT welcomed!!!
lovingly posted by Kent, Jodie and Asher at 11/05/2008 12:26:00 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Terrible 2's
lovingly posted by Kent, Jodie and Asher at 11/04/2008 04:10:00 PM 0 comments
Not a baby anymore. *Tear*
Well, as of Sunday night, my 1 1/2 year old son, is now in a big boy (toddler bed) bed. He is no longer in his crib. Sad times, huh? I wish that he would not have grown up so fast, but yet, he is a blast at this age, so you win some, you loose huh? And that transition only took about a month. We started out small, taking naps in there at bed time, and then went from there.
"How did you get him to stay?", some might be asking themselves. Well, he like his "binky" and has to have a sippy cup when he sleeps.
I just kept going in there and checking on him and if he was out of his bed, he got three spankings (yes, I firmly believe in spanking my child) and I took his "binky" out of his mouth until he got back in bed. It worked for Asher, but may not work for everyone, and I don't like to nor do I "believe" in giving advice. If you want to try it, you are more than welcome to. I won't be offended either way. I do however believe in raising each child in a way that suites them.
Now, potty training is my next big feet. I have heard from some that 1 1/2 is a little young, and others have told me that I should start now. Well, my son was the one to ultimatley make the decision (don't get me wrong, I am not going to let him go FOREVER, but I also don't want to force something that is not going to happen either-for those of you that have experienced it, you know what I mean), but Asher has made some indications to me that he wants to start. When he poops in his pants he gets really adjattated and points to his bottom. He will also go in the bathroom where his potty is and sit down, so I think that it is about time, huh?
lovingly posted by Kent, Jodie and Asher at 11/04/2008 03:22:00 PM 0 comments